The Force: A Poem on Love Across Distances
Updated: 2 days ago
When I met Jenn not only did I find true, epic love but I was also met with an incredible dose of inspiration, creativity and energy.
It was in full force when we met and it is just as strong now, manifesting in our art and our reality!

This piece takes us back to the beginning, as we were crossing continents to see each other with every opportunity.
Many nights we spent together, many nights we spent apart. I wrote this after an evening walk alone, in the midst of a very empty feeling after Jenn had flew back to Canada.
The distance was tough, but tough moments make you stronger and this was no different.
"Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It’s for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It’s for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough." - Meghan Daum
Thankfully for us the 'distance only lasted for 6 months before I packed up and left England behind for Canada.
It worked out amazingly well given 3 months after my arrival the country shut down due to Covid-19.
I am so glad I was there when it happened because it was a good 12 months before they reopened the borders again!

The Force was with us from the moment Jenn joined my poetry live on Instagram and sent me her poetry. We felt a tether and a connection immediately.
That tether stretched not just from Canada to the UK but across previous lifetimes too! More on that in another post!
It was all just part of the plan falling into place. A love greater than we even knew at the time.
But we knew that we were meant to be together and we knew this was the right moment, the right place, the right time.
Our love has been thriving ever since... The Force remains as strong as ever!
The Force
Born on a continent
So far away
Distance no match
The force came our way
It rode the tides
Through stormy seas
Under cloudy skies
It found the cliffs
Of our distant shores
It climbed with no harness
As it made it to land
The force grew stronger
As it searched for our hands
When it made it to us
It knew what it must
What it must be
Between you and me
The force found us
Through our poetry
It gave us the key
To know what to see
We delved into our screens
With unanimous security
No apprehension
Or insecurity
We always knew
The force was there
Bringing us closer
With vision and flair
Ocean's divide
Yet love flies
There is no chance
Or reason why
I am yours
You are mine
Was always coming
This is our time
A single rhythm
A passion
A schism
A moment written
All is forgiven
Unfurling the ribbon
This present is a given
The gift to our hand
I finally understand
An effervescent plan
Because it can
Our moment rises
The gap closes
A coming together
We are chosen
Reach for the stars
Is not the phrase
The stars came to us
With our patience paid
Sadness gone
Our pasts laid
Future set
We are here to stay
The sun has risen
A new horizon
It will never set
In our infinite vision
Distance no match
There was never a catch
Only the fact
We were due to attach
Fusing our souls
Conjoining our goals
Sharing our spirit
Becoming one whole
A force to be reckoned with
It found its home
We are the force
And this is our tone
© Leon Gregori 2025
The Force isn’t just about love; it’s about destiny, creativity, and the inexplicable tether that brings two souls together.
For Jenn and me, poetry was our introduction, but love was our ultimate bond.
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I have been writing poetry since I was in my mid-teens and find it completely natural to express myself through written word.
I am from the UK but I am now a full-time slow traveling digital nomad after meeting my amazing fiancé Jenn on Instagram, as part of my journey as an author.
My writing has always been unpredictable and without structure; it is freestyle from completely random moments when I feel compelled to write.
My content is mainly long form and focuses on love, heartbreak and life.
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Poetry has been a lifelong passion for us, and perhaps the most beautiful part of our journey is that we found love through our words.
Here, we share pieces that are close to our hearts - hoping they speak to yours.
We hope you enjoy our work and look forward to adding more as inspiration flows.