What’s in a Name? The Power of Purpose and Intention
Updated: 1 day ago
There is such importance and power behind a name.
I recall talking with my ex mother in law (a strong Christian) while I was pregnant with her first grandchild and she asked me what name I was planning to choose.

She discussed with me the gift and power of intention in a name... I love the lessons and wisdom that come from older generations than our own (yes, even that from an ex mother-in-law)
So, long story short, I named her grandchildren Noah, Eden & Adam. Both a gift to her and my children.

What Does Jennifer Mean?
Jennifer: my name essentially means “white fairy” or “white phantom” and has origins dating back to Roman Britain, perhaps even to pagan goddesses.
Jennifer comes from a Cornish form of the Welsh name Gwenhwyfar “Jennifer” itself is Cornish for “white wave” or “white shadow”.
“Gwenhwyfar,” as it turns out, is derived from the elements gwen meaning ‘fair, white, blessed’ and sebara meaning ‘phantom, magical being.’

Interesting side note: I have been seriously considering allowing my natural hair to grow in.
I have been colouring and hiding my new growth of grey, white and SILVER; literal SILVER hair, for years.
It's going to be a long process but I am in it to win it. When I saw the photos below of Annika von Holdt with her beautiful natural hair, I was convinced that this is the path for me too.

Am I the only one getting total MARVEL vibes here....channeling energy from your hands with white and silver hair!?
Names in Ancient Cultures
In ancient cultures and tribes all over the world, they used to introduce themselves fully.
Why do we no longer say ‘I’m Jennifer, pure of heart, a white enchantress’? It sounds WAY cooler and far more memorable!

And if you don’t identify with your birth name any longer, change it and find something that does resonate with the new you... trust me, I’m a Scorpio.
I’ve lived many lives in this one already... we are the transformers!
Take a name in your spiritual transformation process (but do remember there is a key and relevance in your birth namesake in your spiritual journey).
The Power of the Universe
After asking the universe (manifesting, calling it into being) for a deep, real conversation about the things I’m passionate about with a stranger, I recently met a fascinating man while we were in Patong, Phuket for Songkran, the WATER PARTY of the year and the Buddhist New Year in Thailand!
When I returned from the washroom Leon was discussing ChatGPT with him and he hadn't tried it out... the first question he asked it was 'Explain to me Athenian Democracy' and that says it all.
He was a fellow Canadian at that, I rarely have met Canadians in my travels and/or fellow funeral directors (which I ALSO met here at this exact restaurant the day before but that's a story for another time).
He is backpacker in his late 50’s... a world traveller, writer, extremely spiritual & knowledgeable likes to dissect society, technology, politics, space, quantum, discuss ‘conspiracy theories’... he knew his ‘stuff’ (the ‘stuff’ that matters to me) he ‘spoke’ my language.

All joking aside, I do speak 4 languages!
When I finally got around to asking his name (often in travels we just get talking naturally and casually and introductions tend to fall to the wayside) he said ‘well, I go by Dallas...’
I thought that was an odd way to put it and it felt impersonal to me. I like to know the depths of people (I'm a Scorpio, we don't do surface level) and his statement felt lingering to me, so following my intuition I said “yes, but what is your ‘birth/real name’?” (which I wouldn’t normally ask!)
He said ‘you know, it’s been so long since I’ve used it I can’t even bring myself to say it out loud...’ and he didn’t say it... but I could tell he thought/felt deeply about it... and I KNOW, as a healer, that was a take away for him.
A call to heal his namesake wounds... often in lineage/generational patterns and childhood trauma wounds, etc. There’s no escaping the inner works when they come calling for you... and they will at some point in your journey.

The Lady in Black
The other fascinating thing I find about my name is that oddly, I have many times in my life been referred to by strangers as ‘the lady in black’. Maybe it's due the sense of mystery or allure my energy sends out?
I remember when Leon and I stayed in Merida, Mexico in June 2021 at an old Mansion and the host kept calling me Lady in Black all weekend... for example, brought a bottle of wine to our room and said " You're welcome Lady in Black."
That was the weekend that Leon read aloud to me all over the grounds from the Book of Osiris written by a clairaudient that I had found a few days prior at the local bookstore.
I paid 60 pesos for it and it is valued at $450 USD (I love books however I am no collector etc quite the opposite actually since it's difficult to travel with tangible books).
The book was a blessing to me in so many ways! Again, a story for another day.
The Balance Between Life and Dark
I’m a Scorpio and my colour is black and I have an affinity for the tone... and it’s my clothing colour of choice but my namesake is all about the white... maybe it's the balance between light and dark? White and Black? The yin and yang?
Who knows but what I do know is that there is true power and gifting that is attached to words and names.

Writing prompt: What does your name mean?
Compose an essay or write a poem about your name... your namesake... anything that comes to you associated with your name... have you noticed any generational patterns, etc.
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From in-depth travel guides to reflections on alternative living, Jenn shares insights and experiences that inspire adventure, cultural discovery, and embracing a life filled with creativity and exploration.
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Since deciding to sell our houses, let go of 90% of our possessions, pack up our remaining things and head for the airport, we have learnt a lot. We mean A LOT! This full-time travel journey is now entering its fourth year, and we are almost transitioning from travelers to alternative living.
In our lifestyle blogs, we want to share our journey with you, along with everything we have learnt, the ups and downs, the tips, tricks and recommendations that can help you to change your life if you are done with the 9-5.