UAP or UFO? Watch Our Possible Sighting and Decide for Yourself!
Updated: 5 days ago
Before recording the video you will see later in this post, Jenn and I stood hand-in-hand and mesmerized under the spotlight of a street lamp, in the middle of a bend in the road at night.

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We had just walked out of an alleyway in Bedford, England; an impromptu evening walk after a great evening spent with our neighbors and friends.
As we turned to go back home, what we saw was something we will NEVER forget.
Before choosing this as our path, we had walked in the opposite direction but it was exceptionally blustery and it put us off... as if the wind was blowing against us.
We decided to walk down an alley a few blocks back in the opposite direction. As we went down the dimly lit alley, we had a brief discussion about Jenn leaving her phone at home.
Going for a walk, why would I need it, Jenn said. At that point Leon remarked how he always carries his phone, just in case. For emergencies, for random things, he might see.
Jenn agreed, and how apt that conversation was, just moments before our encounter.
Just before leaving the alleyway into the clearing, Jenn said we should 'turn in the spotlight' and head back.
So we did, and as we turned we saw what we can only describe as a bright orange ball of light. Like the orange of the old street lamps before they replaced them with LED's.

Imagine that and then amplify it about fivefold. This light made no noise and hovered in the distance at the same height as the ridge of the rooflines of the houses you see past the lamp.
We stood there almost static and awestruck as this light ghosted from left to right across the street.
It was roughly 20ft away. Stretch your arm out upwards, point your finger, and imagine a fifty-pence piece at the end of it. That was how big it was.
It moved slowly and had a circular shape to its right / front. From the back was an almost flat vertical line separating the spectacular orange glow from what looked like a grayish sphere emanating like a tail.
It was completely noiseless and was nothing like any drone we have even imagined, let alone seen.
As we watched, amazed, it almost looked like it turned, came towards us, then moved back, and continued to the left across to where the alleyway was behind us.

At that point, Jenn jilted us out of our almost trance-like state and said to record it.
So I grabbed my phone, although invariably by this point it was starting to move upwards, getting faster and faster.
It was now moving rapidly away from us into the night sky towards the stars. Jenn went to follow it down the alley as I recorded. Then, as quick as it came, it was gone.
This was certainly no floating lantern; the movement, size, and appearance as I zoomed in demonstrates that.
As far as we are aware, drones have discernible lights and noise, and it had none of those elements either.
There are many things we were feeling after what we saw; awe, amazement, excitement, and wonder.
The way it approached us, the way we stood stunned, the way it zipped up into the night sky after its slow hover, it is something we cannot explain.

We have both watched an absolute ton of documentaries about UFOs, studied ancient alien theories, consumed many shows about conspiracies, and studied numerous religions and civilizations and their connections to flying objects in the sky.
If this was man-made, it is certainly nothing like we have ever seen. Check out the video below and see what you think.
Obviously, in hindsight, we wish we had pulled the phone out earlier!
It is really funny as Leon records everything all of the time, being an avid photographer, but seeing this was a real shock and it did not even cross our minds until Jenn snapped us out of it.
We have read about many accounts like this. The paralysis is real!
The photos you see below were taken at 100x zoom, at a distance way closer than the moon of course. Just for context, I filmed this on my Samsung Galaxy s21 Ultra.
For those that do not know, the camera has 100x zoom, powerful enough to snap a shot of the moon in incredible detail:

This UAP / UFO was MUCH closer than the moon of course. So much so that we would have fully expected my phone to pick up a more detailed image!
Furthermore, we celebrated New Year's in Thailand a month later by releasing lanterns into the sky, a traditional activity in the Land of Smiles.
When we originally told people about our encounter, many suggested that it could have been a lantern. So this was a great opportunity to take a shot of one in the sky and compare the footage.

Leon took this shot at a much further distance than the photo of the UAP. The night conditions were virtually the same too; it was a clear night sky.
As you can see, the lantern is easy to make out (albeit a little blurry). This is most certainly not what we saw. Just for good measure, this was a video from releasing the lantern:
On a final note, we have to mention that only days earlier, we had been discussing aliens and UFOs, something Leon has believed in his entire life.
We have had so many debates and discussions about this and Leon kept talking about how desperate he was to see something... anything.
Jenn said in this discussion 'Well okay universe, Leon wants to see one, I want to see one, just do it already'. Two days later this happened!
We do not believe in coincidences and we know for sure that we are being guided, that we are manifesting all the time, and that our connection to the universe is strong.
The whole series of events, from being pushed back by a crazy wind, to our discussion about Jenn not having her phone in the alley, from Jenn pointing towards the spotlight at the end of the alley and wanting to turn back, to then seeing this hovering ball of light.
It did feel like we were meant to see this.
This happened on October 15th, 2022, at 20:20, in Shortstown, Bedford, England.
We felt compelled to come forward after watching The Lost Century by Steven Greer, who also made the documentary Unacknowledged, and is the founder of the CE5 program. (We would recommend you check them out).
We had a debrief in our back garden when we got back, admittedly super excited and still pretty shocked at what had transpired.
Our home was only a few minutes walk away from the spot we saw the UFO up close, and the direction of it as it flew away was directly above our home.
As Leon looked up again at the sky, he swore he saw a distinctive light again, almost like a short sharp shooting star; perhaps this was the final push out of the atmosphere.
Either way, be it a ball of energy, an orb, a man-made technology, or a UFO, we do feel like we are not alone in this magnificent universe. Now more than ever.
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Since deciding to sell our houses, let go of 90% of our possessions, pack up our remaining things, and head for the airport, we have learned a lot. We mean A LOT!
This full-time travel journey is now entering its fourth year, and we are almost transitioning from travelers to alternative living.
In our lifestyle blogs, we want to share our journey with you, along with everything we have learned, the ups and downs, the tips, tricks, and recommendations that can help you change your life if you are done with the 9-5.