Woven: A Poem on Connection and Destiny
Updated: 2 days ago
Is life a carefully woven tapestry, or do we truly have control over our path?
These are the questions I explore in this poem, Woven. It delves into the intersections of destiny, manifestation, and human connection. These are the thoughts, this is the poetry!

Questions Woven into the Fabric of Life
Is there a predetermined path for us to follow? Do our desires and aspirations materialize as we wish? Can we make things happen?
Since my youth, I have sensed something... a whisper... an unseen communication. Is this reality? Is life a complete mystery or is there room for understanding?
Are events truly 'meant to happen'... does luck play a role in our lives? Can we shape our destiny or is it merely fate that has always been set?
Within our subconscious, are we influenced by the universe? Do we truly have free will or is it all preordained? Did we all originate from a single source?
Whether through science or faith... the beginning or the smallest particle... without disregarding any belief system, are we all fundamentally connected? Interwoven?
Our steps follow the paths of countless others who came before us... spirits traversing through past and future generations.
We are continuously broadening our perspectives... pushing the boundaries until the thread unravels. Or is it simply handed down to the next generation?
Going about my daily business
I am but merely a bespoke witness
To this carefully choreographed plan
I feel forced to be a fan
To this invisible tapestry
That feels like fantasy
Yet it is truly a reality
Working with destiny
It has its way with me
All of my decisions
Choices and such
They feel like freedom
Like I have control
I have my goals
Moments and aspirations
I work towards them
Celebrate when I achieve
But am I really doing this
Is it really me
Or is it just the plan
That is 'meant to be'
Did I take that chance
Or did the chance take me
Did I go because I wanted to
Or was I just pushed to see
The stitches
The fabric
Of what I am presenting
The path I am following
Winding through my mind
All of the things
The gifts of life
Like magnets to my soul
On the tip of a knife
Pinpoint accuracy
This is not a fallacy
It is the truth
I have known since my youth
Maybe I can manifest
My deepest desires
Maybe I can hope for the best
Possess what I admire
Maybe I can own it
Call out its name
For all that I know
It is only the same
The same as it's written
In invisible ink
The same as I am told
To do as I think
Whatever I do
I follow the path
The instinct
The gut
The senses I have
It can be altered
I can force a change
Add little moments
But it ends up the same
Who I meet
What I foresee
Where I am at
What I can see
All I know
When my one becomes two
Is the only truth
That I was always going to
Are we all just inter-connected?
I can't help but agree with this perspective
My life is a directive
It should all be expected
All of the things
With all that it brings
This stunning sweet symphony
The people that come to me
Those that I go to
The voices I listen to
This journey I am on
Where I came from
All interwoven
In the threads of others
Stitched in the fabric
Of life and the universe
So I document in words
Write down a verse
Detail my legacy
For all to remember me
Before it all ends
Not a moment too soon
Before the thread runs out
And only the box looms
So when all is done
When the path is all trodden
The tapestry complete
The start long forgotten
My name will be carved
My life in a box
Lid on tight
Sealed with a lock
My vessel will vanish
End up as dust
All that I lived
Gone as it must
Only memories will survive
Thoughts and mementos
To those I had touched
Or loved the same
So my point is
This is not a game
We are all on a path
Forged in our names
We all have questions
Of why what and who
But that is just human
It is nothing new
Those questions will be answered
Upon leaving this life
Maybe the path remains
One can only hope for an afterlife
But in the meantime
We are all interconnected
This is my thought
My only perspective
I will wake up tomorrow
And continue this journey
Find what is next
See what becomes of me
Meet and greet
Search and explore
Follow my path
Follow my tour
I don't need a guide
For my soul leads the way
Just like these words
And all that I say
© Leon Gregori 2025
What do you think? Is life a predetermined journey, or are we shaping our paths every step of the way? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.
'Life is so short and the years pass so quickly, we live our lives like we're on a rollercoaster and before we know it many things are missed out, not done, and sometimes, too late to catch up on. You are in the prime of your life now, enjoy every moment of happiness you have, because that is the fruit of life and you are blessed'
That was from my Mum, part of a message she sent to me after she finished reading my book (thanks Mum).
I guess it is so apt to place it with this piece... it really meant a lot to me.
As writers we are blessed with the ability to leave our souls behind on paper... but let us not forget to enrich our souls and keep feeding them every day - while we still can.
Stay connected guys! Until next time!
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I have been writing poetry since I was in my mid-teens and find it completely natural to express myself through written word.
I am from the UK but I am now a full-time slow traveling digital nomad after meeting my amazing fiancé Jenn on Instagram, as part of my journey as an author.
My writing has always been unpredictable and without structure; it is freestyle from completely random moments when I feel compelled to write.
My content is mainly long form and focuses on love, heartbreak and life.
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Poetry has been a lifelong passion for us, and perhaps the most beautiful part of our journey is that we found love through our words.
Here, we share pieces that are close to our hearts - hoping they speak to yours.
We hope you enjoy our work and look forward to adding more as inspiration flows.